Dental procedures

List of Dental Procedures with Rates

wdt_ID Procedure Name Rate (Rs.)
1 Acrylic Crown per Unit 2,500
2 Additional charges for Post (Fibre) in Posterior tooth 2,500
3 Additional charges for Post (Metal) in Posterior tooth 1,800
4 Alveoloplasty Major 6,500
5 Alveoloplasty Major with laser 8,000
6 Alveoloplasty Minor 4,500
7 Alveoloplasty Minor with laser 6,500
8 Amalgam Class I 1,600
9 Amalgam Class II 2,500
10 Angled Abutment/Additional Characterization 1,250
11 Angled Prosthetic Abutment / Additional Characterization 4,200
12 Apical Repositioning of Uneruped tooth 4,500
13 Apical Repositioning of Uneruped tooth with laser 7,900
14 Apicetomy 8,500
15 Apicetomy with Laser 11,000
16 Arch bar fixation for dentoalveolar trauma 5,500
17 Atraumatic extraction technique (for potential secondary implant placement) 5,500
18 Biopsy Simple 3,500
19 Biopsy Simple with laser 4,500
20 Bitewing Radiograph 500
21 Bone Grafting (excl. cost of bone/ membrane) 8,500
22 Cast Partial Denture per arch 22,000
23 Cast post and core 3,000
24 Ceramic Repair per unit (if prosthesis made elsewhere) 2,500
25 Closure of Oro Antral Fistula 8,000
26 Closure of Oro Antral Fistula with Laser 10,000
27 Complete Denture (Single) 18,000
28 Complete Denture (Upper and lower) 34,000
29 Complete Denture with Metal Base (Single) 25,000
30 Composite (Gingiva Shaded) 8,500
31 Composite Compound Filling 3,700
32 Composite Restoration with pin 4,500
33 Composite Simple Filling 3,000
34 Composite Splinting 6,000
35 Composite Veneering 5,500
36 Coronectomy for third molar 5,500
37 Deciduous extraction 1,000
38 Dental Repair per arch 2,500
39 Dressing Sensitive Teeth 1,500
40 Dry Socket Dressing (if extraction done elsewhere) 1,000
41 Extraoral lacerations (excluding cost of sutures) 3,300
42 Fibrotomy 2,500
43 Fibrotomy with Laser 3,500
44 Fixation of Loose Crown / Bridge 1,500
45 Flap Surgery / Operculectomy 3,500
46 Flap Surgery / Operculectomy with laser 4,500
47 Flexible Denture per unit 5,500
48 Fracture IMF Mandible / Maxilla under LA 9,000
49 Fracture Mandible / Maxilla Open reduction (excl. cost of hardware) 11,000
50 Frenectomy 4,500
Procedure Name Rate (Rs.)